Sunday, November 27, 2016

Why Invest in a Home Surveillance System

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You might not think that it is very practical to have a surveillance system installed at your home but we beg to differ at Mableton Locksmith GA in Mableton, Georgia. Many think that the cost associated with this type of system are so much that only a business would be the ones to be able to afford it. This is not the case. Despite what many homeowners may think, the cost of a home surveillance system is actually just as inexpensive as other home security systems found on the market today. Since there is such a large demand for visual monitoring services, there has been an increased interest in home surveillance cameras. While we would certainly suggest that any homeowner seeking to improve the quality of their home security, consider having a surveillance system installed, we would encourage you to have it installed by a reputable and trustworthy locksmith service in Mableton, GA.

Here are the reasons we think it is a good idea to have a surveillance camera installed in your home:


There is nothing more valuable than peace-of-mind and that is exactly what having a surveillance system installed affords homeowners. If you are unable to sleep at night, worried about someone trying to break into your home, it is a good idea to see what you can gain from this type of security system. With a video surveillance system, you can see for yourself exactly what is going on in and around your home. When things in the night make you jump, you might benefit from this system. Whenever you see any suspicious activity, you can immediately jump on the phone to the proper authorities to get the help you need. Sometimes, the things we here in the middle of the night are nothing other than our pets but it still helps to know for certain whether or not this is the case. Most home surveillance cameras are installed on windows and entryways. You have the added convenience of monitoring your home from anywhere. Some offer the ability to monitor your home on your cellular phone. Technology just keeps advancing!

Deterrent for Burglars

There are professional burglars who see a surveillance camera as a deterrent. They are not going to risk being seen, caught and thrown into jail. The risks far outweigh their desire. When there is a prowler in the neighborhood, they may be doing nothing more than canvasing the area to find out what they can get. Some will come right up on your porch and peer through your windows to see what is inside. When they recognize a surveillance camera, they may just run and go in the opposite direction. They don’t want posters of themselves plastered all over your neighborhood either. Some homeowners know just how effective having a camera installed actually is and that is why some will have a fake camera installed. The burglar only needs to ‘think’ someone can see them in order to go the other way. This method has proven effective.

Court Evidence

Without evidence of an intrusion or attempted intrusion, it is just your word against theirs. When you have a surveillance camera installed, you have proof. If there is a problem in or around your neighborhood, law enforcement authorities are capable of tracking down the person in question with your footage. Your surveillance can capture specific distances, which means that they can even capture footage of the same burglar attempting to gain access into a neighbors home, further proof in court. Some might think that all a burglar needs to do is damage the camera and that’s that. This isn’t usually as easy as you might think. The camera is installed in the most inconspicuous places possible to avoid this from occurring. They might be able to see the monitoring equipment but not the camera.

Monitoring Service Providers

If you have ever heard of reports of people abusing children or elderly people, you can see why having a surveillance camera might be beneficial. Even with the best references, it is still possible for someone to do something out of character. With a camera setup in your home, you’re able to see what is going on at all times in your home. If you have any suspicion of abuse of your child or elderly parents, this is a great way to catch the caregiver in the act. Even if nothing is happening, it can still afford you peace-of-mind in knowing for sure exactly what is going on when you are not around.

Remaining Alert

It is simply impossible to always be alert to everything going on around us. When you’re at home and you have things to do, you may not be as alert as you may need to be. You have laundry to attend to, kids lunches to make, school work to check and other things. The last thing you are thinking about at this stage is who is lurking around your yard or porch. With a surveillance camera you can go back to it whenever you need to check footage just to remain alert to what is going on when you’re not alert. If you see something that looks questionable, you may begin to remain more alert even when you are engaged in other activities throughout the day.

It can be difficult to remain vigilant in your attempt to keep your home and your loved ones safe. However, we are certain that you can now see the many benefits to having a home surveillance camera installed. There is no reason that you should continue having sleepless nights when you have a monitoring system installed in your home. You can get the same level of security that is found in some of the businesses in and around Mableton at a price that will fit your needs and budget. Many homeowners whom we service agree that this type of system is well worth the investment. We couldn’t agree more!

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